
zaterdag 7 maart 2015

Malus/Apple tree out of winter storage

Another one left the winter storage today, my apple tree 'stumpie'. I thought it was Malus Halliana but I doubt it now, will be checked.

Still a premature project. One of only a few prebonsai I bought (in late summer 2012), and its the most "expensive" (and I'm a fan of cheap) one too, even with the knowledge it was on 50% discount. So, I was glad to downsize my newly purchased apple tree and be left with a small sized tree with respectable trunk thickness, this was my goal. The story of this tree I allready posted (use searchbox: malus).

The edges of the carved dead wood have receded here and there due to indrought, nothing to worry about. I cut off a very big branch on top I better had removed in the first place. I am now left with 'stumpie', dead wood to finish off in the future (very hard wood that does not deteriote rapidly), and building up for years to come. Therefore I included some virtuals.

The buds are opening up right now, let the spring come.

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